
Microgrid System


    Microgrid refers to a small power generation and distribution system composed of distributed power sources (solar, wind power, diesel), energy storage devices, energy conversion devices, loads, monitoring and protection devices, etc.

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Jntech Energía Renovable Co., Ltd.
JNTECH ENERGÍA RENOVABLE CO., LTD. se estableció en 2006, es una empresa internacional de alta tecnología, que integra I + D, fabricación, ventas y servicio de productos electrónicos de potencia inteligente. Confíe en los recursos humanos y la ventaja técnica de la famosa universidad de tecnología china, JNTECH actualiza los productos y la tecnología a través de empresas, universidades, cooperación en investigación, posee más de 60 patentes solares, participa para establecer los estándares solares de China. Desarrollamos un inversor solar fuera de la red y un sistema de energía solar fuera de la red, un inversor de bomba solar y un sistema de bomba solar, un sistema de riego de energía solar, un sistema de aireación solar, un inversor de almacenamiento de energía solar y el sistema relacionado son ampliamente utilizados en más de 60 países. Hemos sido incluidos en el catálogo de licitación y la marca preferida de proyectos internacionales por el BIRF, la ONU, la FAO, las ONG, etc. A lo largo de los años, la marca "JNTECH" disfruta de una gran reputación en la industria. JNTECH se esfuerza por convertirse en el destacado proveedor internacional de soluciones solares para productos de energía solar inteligente, sistema de tratamiento de agua y riego solar, sistemas de tratamiento ecológico solar. Adhiriendo a la idea de "Crear un futuro de energía verde, Garantizar el desarrollo social sostenible", JNTECH adopta una visión de desarrollo científico como directriz, crear una nueva energía ecológica y ecológica como deber, sigue sirviendo a la sociedad, las personas y el nacional. Grupo jntech   
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  • 16


    This article will teach you about renewable energy
         In recent years, with the growing awareness of climate change, the international community has actively sought to achieve a win-win situation between the economy and the environment to reduce environmental pollution and reduce carbon emissions. In this context, renewable energy has become a sustainable energy solution, including photovoltaics, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy and biomass energy. Compared with non-renewable and limited resources such as fossil fuels and coal, nature continuously produces renewable energy, and its replenishment rate is much higher than the consumption rate, which is more environmentally friendly. Therefore, renewable energy has become a focus of today's society and is regarded by various countries as an important carbon reduction development project.       One of the most well-known renewable energy sources is photovoltaics. Photovoltaics uses photovoltaic panels to capture and then convert it into electrical energy. In recent years, the price of photovoltaic panels has continued to decline and the technical maturity has continued to improve, making photovoltaic power generation systems more and more accessible and can be used to power homes, businesses and even entire communities.       Another common renewable energy source is wind power. By setting up wind turbines, wind power causes the blades to rotate to generate kinetic energy, which is then converted into electricity. Wind energy is widely favored in the global energy industry. With the advancement of technology and the realization of economies of scale, the cost of wind power has gradually decreased. Many countries and regions have been able to produce wind power at competitive prices, making wind power generation a cost-effective energy option. In addition, wind resources are widely distributed around the world and can be developed in many regions, which can help non-oil mining countries reduce their dependence on imported energy and increase the stability of energy supply.        In addition, renewable energy also includes biomass energy and geothermal energy. Biomass energy is obtained from plant and animal debris, such as burning wood to generate heat. Geothermal energy converts geothermal heat into mechanical energy, and then converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.        In general, renewable energy has an important impact on achieving energy transformation and mitigating climate change, while also creating a sustainable future. With the continuous advancement of technology, policy support and market promotion, renewable energy will continue to develop rapidly and become an important force in dominating the future global energy system.
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  • 13


    Comprehensive analysis of energy storage power station system
    In the field of energy storage, energy storage power stations play an important role. The application of energy storage power station technology runs through all aspects of power generation, transmission, distribution, and power consumption in the power system. It realizes peak shaving and valley filling of the power system, smoothing and tracking plan processing of renewable energy power generation fluctuations, efficient system frequency modulation, and increases power supply reliability. 1. What is an energy storage power station Energy storage power stations are power stations set up to regulate peak and valley power consumption problems. Energy storage power stations are composed of energy storage units and auxiliary facilities, access devices, and measurement and control devices. The establishment of energy storage power stations is to store the electricity that we are going to waste during low-peak power consumption periods and release it back to the power grid during peak power consumption to achieve the purpose of peak shaving and valley filling. 2. Composition of energy storage power station system Energy storage power station system can be divided into six main parts, namely renewable energy, energy transmission system, conversion system, storage system, management system and network access system.
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  • 09


    Core technologies of microgrids
    The key technologies of smart microgrids mainly include the following: (I) Renewable energy generation technology At present, smart microgrids are mainly based on a variety of renewable energy sources, and the power input is mainly photovoltaic, wind power, hydrogen energy, natural gas, biogas and other mature power generation technologies. (I) Key technologies of energy storage Energy storage is an indispensable part of microgrids. It can play a role in peak shaving and valley filling in microgrids, greatly improving the utilization efficiency of intermittent energy. With the continuous development of science and technology, the current energy storage mainly includes battery energy storage, flywheel energy storage, superconducting magnetic energy storage, and supercapacitor energy storage. The more mature energy storage technology is lead-acid battery, but it has the problems of short life and serious lead pollution. In the future, the marketization of high energy storage, low cost, and high-quality performance graphene batteries will bring spring to the energy storage industry. The current development cost of energy storage technology is relatively high. Countries around the world are working on this technology, but they all have a common goal, which is to achieve the goal of "low cost + high energy storage". (II) Smart microgrid energy optimization dispatching technology Different from the traditional power grid dispatching system, the smart microgrid dispatching system belongs to the horizontal multi-energy complementary optimization dispatching technology, which can fully explore and utilize the direct complementary substitutability of different energy sources, and can not only realize the output of heat, electricity and cold, but also realize the energy exchange of light/electricity, heat/cold, wind/electricity, direct/alternating current. The stratification of various energy sources in the source-storage-load links realizes orderly cascade optimization dispatching to achieve the best energy utilization efficiency. (III) Smart microgrid protection and control technology There are multiple power sources and multiple loads in the smart microgrid. The changes in loads and fluctuations in power sources need to be regulated and controlled by the energy storage system or the external power grid. The regulation, switching and control of these power sources are completed by the microgrid control center. In addition to monitoring the power parameters, switch status, power quality and energy parameters of each new energy generation system, energy storage system and load, the microgrid control center also needs to save energy and improve power quality.
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